Search by Name
To search by name, type the first or last name of the person you are looking for.
Search by Keyword
You can also search by keyword, for example: "Reiki". Community members who are practitioners certified in Reiki or individual members who are interested in Reiki therapy are listed on the left. You can then refine your search by entering a preferred location.
Example: Community members who practice or provide Reiki in New Jersey.
Refine your Search
You can search only practitioners of your selected therapy by clicking on 'More Filters'. Community Role Cluster identifies a member's current role in the KnoWEwell Community, Health & Well Being provider, Health & Medicine provider, Individual member, volunteer, etc. You use this filter to find a certified practitioner for your search.
Continue to refine your search for Health & Wellbeing practitioners who specialize in additional therapies or categories that seem fit for you. You may select as many filters as you want to find the right provider for your health and lifestyle needs. Find your perfect match!
Click on the practitioner's online profile in the blue box to learn more about their Health & Healing approaches, their education, and how best to connect. Your best-matched practitioner!
Online Practitioner Profile